MxV Rail (formerly TTCI) has conducted a series of full-scale wheel-rail (W/R) rolling contact tests by using the Rolling Contact Fatigue Simulator (RCFS)1 to investigate the effects of lubricating media (water and solid lubricant) on rolling contact fatigue (RCF) and wear with controlled traction ratios. The study showed that measured rail wear depths were substantial compared to RCF crack depths. Lubrication slowed the wear rate, which led to longer dwelling time for the surface cracks to experience more wheel loads before wearing away. Wheel-rail wear decreased by 50-70 percent compared to dry contact conditions due to the effect of water and solid lubricants. This research was jointly funded by the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the Association of American Railroads’ (AAR) Strategic Research Initiatives (SRI) program. Effects of lubrication (lubricating greases, top-of-rail friction modifiers and water on rail wear) and surface damage of rails and wheels have been studied extensively…
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