From 2018 through 2022, MxV Rail tested eight premium rail types (also known as high strength, or HS, rail) with no direct lubrication on a 5-degree reverse curve at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST®) in Pueblo, CO. The rails accumulated 654 million gross tons (MGT) of service from their installation in September 2018 through June 2022. During the four years of testing, MxV Rail monitored rail wear, rolling contact fatigue (RCF), internal defects in the rails, and electric flash butt (EFB) weld failures. Two previously published editions of Technology Digest 1,2 summarized the results of the testing through 325 MGT as well as the analysis of the mechanical and metallurgical properties of the rail steels included in this test. During 654 MGT of testing, one EFB weld failure occurred at 210 MGT,1 but no internal defects were found in any of the test rails. This publication describes results…
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