MxV Rail performed single-tie push tests (STPTs) at multiple tonnage increments during the initial compaction runs for the newly constructed Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST®) track in Pueblo, CO. The push tests were performed to measure the lateral track strength increase between tonnages of zero and 0.1 million gross tons (MGT) after tamping. The trend from this recent test is combined with previous testing (tonnage increments above 0.1 MGT) to define an entire trend relating to the increase in lateral tie resistance to tonnage. With the full trend available, the level of re-compaction at any tonnage after tamping can be estimated, which may help determine appropriate tonnages at which to release post-maintenance speed restrictions. This Technology Digest focuses solely on the level of ballast compaction—only one of many factors affecting the lateral track strength. A comprehensive review of these parameters has been the subject of previous publications.1,2 This work…
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